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10: The Elements of Academic Style

  • Termin: 27. November 2020, 12-14 Uhr c.t.
  • Raum: online, tba
  • Workshopleiter: Mark Olival-Bartley, M. A.
  • Anmeldung: ab 26. Oktober 2020


Writing is the accretion of words into designs of meaning that grow evermore complex: Writers mine, smelt, and mill words; they solder them into phrases; they weld those into clauses; and they forge these into sentences, which are collected into paragraphs that, through recursive revision, are gilt, filigreed, and burnished into brilliance. In this two-hour workshop, the rhetorical mechanics at work of good academic style will be reviewed, good models will be studied, and exercises of our own will be practiced.

Target group: all LMU doctoral candidates


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