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16: How to Write a Good Paper in the Natural Sciences

  • Termin: 4. Dezember 2020, 14-16 Uhr s.t.
  • Raum: online, tba
  • Workshopleiter: Prof. Raymond Boxman
  • Anmeldung: ab 26. Oktober 2020


Prof. Raymond Boxman and Edith Boxman presented a tutorial on how to write a good scientific paper at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2018. This year, they continue the successful cooperation as an online tutorial. The guest lecturers will provide students with a recipe for writing scientific theses, internal reports, and especially journal articles. The tutorial will be given in English and is particularly aimed at students in the natural sciences and engineering.

Prof. Boxman studied Electrical Engineering at MIT (USA). He was a faculty member at Tel Aviv University in Israel, where he served as Associate Dean for Research and as Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies. He received the Walter Dyke Award and the Boris and Renee Joffe Prize, and he is a Fellow of the IEEE and IMPI. Edith Boxman is an economist and banker -- her professional activities include editing and translation. Their complimentary expertise was pooled in writing "Communicating Science: A Practical Guide for Engineers and Physical Scientists", which pursues the tutorial topic in greater depth, and also includes chapters on the publication process, conference presentations, research proposals, business plans, patent applications, popular media, job hunting, and writing well in English.

Zielgruppe: Studierende der Naturwissenschaften


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