11: Speak Like You Mean It: Tips for Public Speaking
- Termin: 29. Mai 2020, 14-17 Uhr c.t.
- Raum: online, tba
- Workshopleiterin: Jillian Knull
- Anmeldung: ab 14. April 2020 - ausgebucht!
Have you ever stood up to give a speech, but all of a sudden, your mouth feels dry and you seem to can't find the words anymore? Worry not- public speaking is not as intimidating as you may think! In this online Friday Workshop, I will be teaching you some of the best skills and tips I have amassed over the years as a competitive public speaker. We will learn how to write a good speech and what every good speech contains. Furthermore, we will explore body language, eye contact, timing, enunciation, pauses and speech breaks and roleplay scenarios like what to do if you forget your notes or your speech. Public speaking is an invaluable skill you take with you for the rest of your life. The ability to command a room, convince others of your argument, prove a point or passionately advocate to a crowded room is an incredible skill you will have for the rest of your life- why not master it today? See you there!
Zielgruppe: Alle Studierenden
Wir bitten um eine verbindliche Anmeldung bis zum 22. Mai 2020. Die Plätze werden nach dem „first come, first served”-Prinzip vergeben. Bei unentschuldigtem Fehlen können wir Sie bei zukünftigen Veranstaltungen des Schreibzentrums leider nicht mehr berücksichtigen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!