27: What to Cite and When: Citation in Academia
- Date: July 2, 2021; 2pm–4pm c.t.
- Room: via Zoom
- Instructor: Nicolle Faver, B.A.
- Language: English
- Registration: June 1, 2021–June 25, 2021
Citation is an integral part of academic writing and one that often makes stomachs turn because of the insecurity, what needs to be cited, and, in a second step, how. In this workshop, we will go through the basics of citation: when, what, why, and how. With a few exercises, you will develop a routine and a basic knowledge of citation. We will also take a look at the most common citation styles and check out the ones you should use in your respective field of study.
Der von Ihnen gewünschte Workshop ist derzeit ausgebucht. Sie können sich allerdings in die Warteliste eintragen – wir werden Sie dann benachrichtigen, sollten weitere Teilnehmerplätze verfügbar werden.