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16: Talk: How to write a good paper or thesis

  • Termin: 30. November 2018, 16-18 Uhr c.t.
  • Raum: Schellingstr. 3 (R), R203 (Room change!)
  • Workshopleiter: Prof. Raymond Boxman


This talk will present a recipe for writing good research reports, including theses, internal reports, and especially journal papers. The critical elements of each section of the research report will be reviewed, and content, organization, and style conventions will be discussed.

The first part of the talk focuses on the centrality of the research question, a clear gap sentence and a statement of purpose as well as the different sections of the introduction. Furthermore, we will discuss the proper order for presenting results and how to differentiate between results and interpretation. We will shortly take a look at the heads-up display in technical drawings. Then, we will examine differences in theoretical papers before looking at the conclusion where the emphasis lies on the answering of the research question and the summary of the key results.

Moreover, the workshop explains the difference between an indicative and an informative Abstract, as well as the need for the latter. Finally, suggestions for interacting with journal editors and responding to reviewers’ comments will be presented.

Raymond Boxman is professor for electrical engineering at the Iby and Aladar Fleischman Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, and where he taught a course on Technical Writing in English for 16 years.

Zielgruppe: Anyone who needs to write a research report (graduate students, early career researchers), above all in the natural sciences


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