Academic Blogging
- Termin: 16. Februar 2018, 16-18 Uhr s.t.
- Raum: Raum 314, Schellingstr. 9
- Workshop-Leiterin: Katrin Kleemann, M.A.
- Dauer des Workshops: 120 Minuten
- Anmeldung: ist sofort möglich – zum Anmeldeformular
This workshop will cover several aspects of academic blogging: Blogging is a fast paced medium, it allows you to write on a current topic in your field and to have this blog post online within a few days rather than a few months or even years, which would be the case if you were writing a journal article or a book chapter. Blogging enables you to write differently than you would in other spheres of academic writing. It is a particularly visual field, which is why we will also talk about copyright issues, how to find public domain or creative commons images that you can use, and how to license your blog post to make sure you are being credited for your work. Additionally, we will cover what to keep in mind when starting your own blog, how to find relevant blogs in your field, and how to advertise to reach a wider audience. Of course, we will also do practical writing exercises, so please bring your laptops along.
Wir bitten um eine verbindliche Anmeldung bis zum 14. Februar. Die Plätze werden nach dem "first come, first served"-Prinzip vergeben. Bei unentschuldigtem Fehlen können wir Sie bei zukünftigen Veranstaltungen des Schreibzentrums leider nicht mehr berücksichtigen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!
Die Anmeldung zu den Workshops ist ab sofort möglich! Zum Anmeldeformular...